To meet basic needs
01We welcome people and provide intervention services to meet basic needs in a respectful and dignified manner: healthy meals, clothing, showers, phones and internet access, income tax services, health services, housing support and guidance, community outreach, and more.
To promote social inclusion
02Through budgeting, employment reintegration, music, arts, and cooking programs as well as outings, participants develop skills and build self-confidence, acquire job experience, and reconnect with the job market.
To ensure stability and greater autonomy
03We provide residential stability support through medium- and long-term housing services that include our three housing projects, Projet Logement Montréal, and the private rental market.
Getting people out of their homelessness solution permanently
We help our users meet their physical and psychological needs by accompanying them in their daily lives.
The intervention aims at restoring a status and it is through accompaniment that this is possible. Accompaniment must be at the heart of the intervention because it is not a matter of getting the person out of homelessness, but of offering them the necessary support so that they can get out of homelessness. The heart of accompaniment is the supportive relationship with someone who is on a journey in his or her project of being. Accompaniment is a way of being that is based on the development of experiential knowledge.

Founded in
In 2021
418In 2021
418Individuals left the streets and haven't returned thanks to our social workers.
More than
200000More than
200000Meals served each day, 365 days a year.
In 2021
165In 2021
165Individuals supported by Accueil Bonneau in 2022 in finding and maintaining housing through Project Logement Montréal.
More than
80000More than
80000Clothing, shoes, and toiletries distributed per year.
A unique musical project
The OSMIA project was developed to bring talented individuals together and form a band, giving them the opportunity to take part in this shared musical project
For months, the group met in our music room where they let their creative juice flow. OSMIA launched its self-titled album in January 2020 in front of a large and enthusiastic audience. Poetry, filled with raw emotions, catchy riffs, and the sheer pleasure of jamming together!

Why give to Accueil Bonneau
Because the needs of the poor are still very great!
Accueil Bonneau aims to help the most vulnerable people in society to improve their living conditions. In order to achieve this, the organization starts by providing them with basic needs in a safe and welcoming environment.
Would you like to make a donation by phone?
Call us at 514.845.1565.
Want to give by check?
Send us a check or money order with your complete contact information to:
Fondation Accueil Bonneau
427, rue de la Commune Est
Montréal, QC, H2Y 1J4
Or come and visit us!